Children First
Sat, Dec 28, 2013
One of the best things you can do for your family during a divorce is to think hard at outset about what it means to put your children first. Determine what changes you need to make in your own attitude and conduct to reflect that decision. This advi... Read More
Paternity Settlement Agreements
Sat, Dec 21, 2013
It is no secret that times have changed for those of us who recall when the vast majority of children were born to married parents. Just as the divorce rate has risen over the past decade, so has the number of children born to unmarried mothers. A... Read More
To File or Not To File, That Is The Question...
Fri, Dec 13, 2013
In my practice of family law, I am often asked during consults by prospective clients, who have been served with divorce papers, if they need to file a written response to the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. My first and immediate response is ... Read More
What Assets Are Subject to Distribution in a Florida Divorce Action
Tue, Dec 10, 2013
In dissolution of marriage (commonly referred to as divorce) cases in Florida, the concept of equitable distribution is utilized as opposed to community property when distributing assets and liabilities. Equitable means fair not equal. The first st... Read More
Is a Medical or Other Professional Practice a Marital Asset and, if so, How is it Valued and Distributed in a Florida Divorce?
Thu, Dec 05, 2013
The Florida Supreme Court ruled in 1991 that if a husband's law practice had monetary value over and above the value of its tangible assets, separate and distinct from the reputation of the husband, then the practice had "good will," and the good wil... Read More
“But I’m on the Birth Certificate, so my rights to the child as the Dad are protected, right?”
Sat, Nov 30, 2013
As a family law attorney, I hear the above question in some form or fashion quite often, and the short answer is no. If you are not married, and you have a child as an unwed father, simply having your name on the child’s birth certificate as the biol... Read More
“Alimony, Alimony payin’ your bills”…or maybe not
Tue, Nov 26, 2013
The Florida Legislature probably didn’t have Led Zepplin’s 1969 song “Living Loving Maid (She’s Just a Woman)” in mind when similar bills recently advanced in both the House and Senate which would eliminate permanent alimony in Florida. Opponents of... Read More
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